Thursday, April 24, 2014

The role of genders has been an issue in our society since birth. For those that have children we often police them to do those that only their type of sex would normally. I do not want to sound sexist, but often it is the mother who lets their child be who they truly want to be, however Peggy Orenstein is questioning it. Orenstein's wrote a piece called "What's Wrong with Cinderella?" after realizing that her daughter was being driven to become a Disney princess which she was trying to avoid. As she began conducting her research she realized that genders do play different roles because the way how society looks at them. Reality Television is an excellent of this because it is without a doubt that women that are Reality Television Stars are police severely than the men. In Orenstein's work she had a quote from author, Susan Douglas:
"We can excel in school, play sports, go to college, aspire to- and get- jobs previously reserved for men, be working mothers, and so forth. But in exchange we must obsess about our faces, weight, breast size, clothing brands, decorating, perfectly calibrated child-rearing; about pleasing men and being envied by other women."
            To add on to my argument another modern example is to take two different types of sexes and compare and contrasts how the public viewed their actions. Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi from The Jersey Shore and Scott Disick from Keeping up with the Kardashian had both been arrested from a DUI (Disick) or Public Intoxication( Polizzi); You would figure that both would receive the same criticism as the media found out their mistakes, however it was Snooki who received the short end of the stick. Polizzi’s arrest was aired nationally and was viewed as a “comedy piece” to the general viewers from ages 14- mid 20’s; however parents of those teens reacted differently. Their policing mainly contained “You are seen by young girls” and “Do you want to be viewed as this type of person, be a woman”. Disick on the other hand was generally not intensive as Snooki’s reaction.
            In Reality Television we often hold the female stars to a high expectation, but the men are unaffected from policing. Do you think that the general public polices these stars as a way to be what Susan Douglas interpreted of how women are portrayed to be?

Monday, March 31, 2014

Denotation of reality tv vs Connotation of reality tv

Reality television, according to Google, is define to be television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative. Alhough society view them (majority will be the youth) as real life people with real life problems it is intended to be over-exaggerated just for their ratings will be high.For example shows like The Real World and The Bad Girls Club was supposed to portray roommates with different personalities to deal with each other while they work on themselves. In the past it worked showing the viewers that any challenge can be overrcome with mental strength and patience, but ratings were not agreeing with the message. Slowly, but surely over the years I have witnessed reality shows altering their purpose with constant partying, violent actions, and meaningless problems. It is now just entertainment no longer being a positive influence to the viewers especially the teenagers.